Help us Restore St Michael’s
“Your people will rebuild long-deserted ruins, building anew on foundations laid long before you. You will be known as repairers of the cities and restorers of communities.”
Isaiah 58:12

Thanks to the generosity and kindheartedness of the Bibleway family and friends, we have raised sufficient funds to complete the purchase of St Michael's Church and Community Centre.
Plans are in motion to repair and restore the church to it’s former glory.
How you can help
We need you to donate to our cause so we can raise enough money to cover the cost for the full restoration of this beautiful building. We also ask that you pray for us as we embark on this journey.
“We would like to say a heartfelt thank you to those who have given and pledged to help and a thank you in anticipation of others who will help us with this vision.”
Minister Penny Gordon.

Ark of the Lord
Gospel Church - Community
Lloyds Bank PLC,
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Goal for restoration (inc. purchase): Approx. £1,200,000
Funds Received: £173,790